A Face in the Crowd explores the volatile intersection of fame, politics, and power, in the backdrop of the media industry. Portrayed by the Tony and Olivier Award-nominated actor Ramin Karimloo, Lonesome Rhodes' meteoric rise from the streets serves as a powerful cautionary tale, especially in today’s climate. Anoushka Lucas, an actor, singer, songwriter, and playwright, brings Marcia Jeffries, a local radio producer who unwittingly sets off the explosion, to life. Directed by Kwame Kwei-Armah, with several hit songs by Elvis Costello, the production is expected to be an exciting adventure.
A Face in the Crowd is based on the original story by Budd Schulberg, derived from his 1953 collection Some Faces in the Crowd. It narrates the story of Marcia Jeffries (Anoushka Lucas), a local radio producer who chances upon Larry “Lonesome” Rhodes (Ramin Karimloo), in an Arkansas drunk tank. Impressed by his cheeky remarks, she decides to put him on air. However, his popularity soon catapults him into a national figure, even encouraging him to become a presidential candidate. Marcia finds herself in a fix, realizing that she has unleashed a force that she cannot contain. But will she be able to go back?
The Young Vic Theatre, located at 66 The Cut, Waterloo, London, has been a leading voice in London’s art scene for over fifty years. Well-known for successfully balancing commercial acclaim with artistic flair and driving genuine social impact. Their mission is community-centric and offers many engagement programs and opportunities for budding enthusiasts, embodying the culture of inclusivity. The theater has thus served as a launching pad for many acclaimed productions as well as fresh takes on classic narratives.
The cost of the tickets starts from £30 and will vary depending on the type of seats you choose.
The show opens on 10 September 2024 at the Young Vic Theatre in London.
The musical does not have a strict age limit. However, it is most suitable for children aged 14 and above.
The show is playing at the Young Vic Theatre in London.
A Face in the Crowd is a classic cautionary tale adapted from the eponymous cult hit film. It follows the rise of Lonesome Rhodes from a drunk drifter to a powerful media personality and Marcia Jeffries, the local radio producer who gave him a platform.
The running time is yet to be confirmed.
The main stars of the critically acclaimed musical are Ramin Karimloo as Lonesome Rhodes and Anoushka Lucas playing the feisty Marcia Jeffries.
The musical features several hit songs by Grammy award-winning artist Elvis Costello. The full list of songs will be available closer to the show date.