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36Forget any worries that Harry Potter's leap to the stage would be stuffy, artsy, or light on magic. Rest easy, muggles, because Harry Potter and the Cursed Child is a blast! This joyous, big-hearted play is packed with hilarious moments, outrageous events, and enough magic to rival Diagon Alley. Writer Jack Thorne, director John Tiffany, and a dream team have created a truly unforgettable experience. While the two-part, five-hour show might seem long, it's a forgivable indulgence. Cursed Child is a love letter to Potter fans, drawing its power from the sheer thrill of seeing these iconic characters come alive right before your eyes.
“I have until now been resistant to the Hogwarts background: too much exposed to boarding-school capers on the page and in political life. Thorne’s sequel slithered me round to seeing it as one version of the bewildering, bullying, beguiling nature of institutions."
"Harry Potter and the Cursed Child is an absolute hoot, a joyous, big-hearted, ludicrously incident-packed and magic-heavy romp that has to stand as one of the most unrelentingly entertaining things to hit the West End."
“British theatre hasn't known anything like it for decades and I haven't seen anything directly comparable in all my reviewing days."