Netflix sensation Charithra Chandran, who captured viewers' hearts with her compelling portrayal of Edwina Sharma in the second season of the streaming giant's hit series, is now stepping onto the London stage for a one-woman show. Chandran's diverse career includes roles in Alex Rider and the highly anticipated How to Date Billy Walsh.
The upcoming theatrical production, Instructions for a Teenage Armageddon, is written by Rosie Day, directed by Georgie Staight, and produced by Katy Galloway Productions. The play gained attention after its successful run at Southwark Playhouse in 2022. It is set to captivate audiences at the prestigious Garrick Theatre.
The narrative follows the journey of a 17-year-old girl who, grappling with the unexpected demise of her sister due to a peculiar incident involving a Yorkshire pudding, finds solace and adventure in a struggling scout group. The play explores themes of grief, resilience, and the tumultuous nature of adolescence.
The creative team behind Instructions for a Teenage Armageddon includes the talented set and costume designer Jasmine Swan, lighting designer Rory Beaton, video designer Dan Light, and associate director Hanna Khogali.
The Garrick Theatre will be the backdrop for this theatrical experience. The play is scheduled from 17 March to 28 April. Don't miss the chance to be part of this event that promises laughter, tears, and a glimpse into the complexities of teenage life. Book your tickets using the Garrick Theatre seating plan.