London Theatre TicketsMusicalsLes MisérablesRevolutionary anthems: Top five songs from Les Misérables in London

Revolutionary anthems: Top five songs from Les Misérables in London


Les Misérables West End's masterpiece has enraptured audiences for over 35 years. Playing currently at the Sondheim Theatre, Les Misérables boasts a moving and evocative soundtrack. Let's explore the top five songs that have left an indelible mark on spectators throughout its history:

One Day More

Consistently ranked as one of the greatest musical theatre compositions, One Day More stands as a collective anthem encapsulating the intricacies of the narrative. Serving as the ultimate Act 1 finale, the song skillfully intertwines multiple plotlines within the imminent rebellion.

I Dreamed A Dream

I Dreamed a Dream emerges as a showcase of vocal prowess and emotional depth. Sung by Fantine, the song becomes a poignant lamentation of the adversities she faces, rendering it a profoundly moving moment in the musical.

Do You Hear The People Sing?

Against the backdrop of the June Rebellion, Do You Hear The People Sing? emerges as a stirring anthem that encapsulates the revolutionary spirit of the storyline. It authentically embodies the essence of Les Misérables.

Who Am I

A pivotal moment in the musical, Who Am I sees Jean Valjean grappling with questions of identity. This powerful solo provides insight into Valjean's internal struggles and unwavering determination.

The Confrontation

The Confrontation unfolds as a dramatic duet between Jean Valjean and Inspector Javert. This high-stakes number accentuates the persistent conflict between these two central characters.

Honourable mentions

While these top five songs take centre stage, Les Misérables boasts a repertoire of other notable numbers deserving of honourable mention. Sung by Javert, Stars resonates as a commanding ode to his unyielding commitment to justice. Empty Chairs at Empty Tables is a poignant composition by Marius, mourning the loss of friends and reflecting on the aftermath of the rebellion. On My Own is Eponine's heart-wrenching solo, expressing her unrequited love for Marius.

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Les Misérables

Les Misérables
