Samantha Barks, celebrated for portraying Elsa in Disney's Frozen on the West End, is set to reclaim her throne at the Theatre Royal Drury Lane. Barks led the cast when the production first graced the stage in 2021. She had taken a temporary hiatus for maternity leave, during which Jenna Lee-James stepped into her shoes.
Barks will rejoin the magical world of Frozen on 7 February 2024, during Disney Theatrical's segment in the Royal Variety Performance, scheduled to be broadcast on ITV1 on 17 December 2023. This special event showcases performances from iconic Disney productions such as The Lion King, Aladdin, Beauty and the Beast, and Hercules.
Barks previously showcased her talent in productions like Chess, Pretty Woman, and the iconic Les Misérables. Her film credits include a standout performance as Eponine in the film adaptation of Les Misérables. Barks has also lent her expertise as a judge on ITV's Mamma Mia! I Have A Dream.'
Directed by Michael Grandage, with music and lyrics by Kristen Anderson-Lopez and Robert Lopez, and a book by Jennifer Lee, Disney's Frozen at Theatre Royal Drury Lane has been showered with critical acclaim since its premiere in August 2021. The production boasts seven WhatsOnStage Awards and has received four Olivier Award nominations.
As Samantha Barks reclaims her role as Elsa, she rejoins a stellar ensemble that includes Laura Dawkes as Anna, Jammy Kasongo as Kristoff, and Craig Gallivan as the lovable Olaf. The show, enchanting audiences with its magical storytelling and breathtaking visuals, is currently booking tickets through June 2024. Book tickets to Frozen using the Theatre Royal Drury Lane seating plan today.
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