London Theatre TicketsMusicalsABBA Voyage6 Reasons to Watch ABBA Voyage | London Theatre News

6 Reasons to Watch ABBA Voyage | London Theatre News


Yes, you read that right. They are back and performing live but with a bit of a twist. Digital versions of the band members from 1979 are projected onto a big screen in the ABBA Arena. But before you dismiss this as a gimmick, here is what a reviewer had to say about the show: “Any sense you’re not actually in the presence of the band dissolves during a setlist of crowd-pleasing hits.”

ABBA Voyage recreates the magic of the Swedish supergroup at the height of their career. Armed with technology and a talented 10-piece band, ABBA delivers a terrific blast from the past. So here are six reasons why you need to watch the ABBA Voyage in London!

Technological masterpiece

Witness the innovation that brings ABBA back to life. Industrial Light & Magic, the mavericks behind Star Wars and Jurassic Park, used motion capture to recreate younger versions (or ABBAtars) of the band members. These realistic ABBAtars would definitely pull you onto the dance floor. The lighting and the impressive projection technology will you feel that the band members are in the Arena!

Astounding live music

While the ABBAtars are pre-recorded, the accompanying music is not. Get a taste of the rich harmonies and arrangements that defined ABBA’s live performances through the live music by a talented 10-piece band. Former Klaxons singer James Righton handpicked the live band. Their incredible chemistry and charisma will leave you wanting more.

A nostalgic ride

ABBA Voyage is no ordinary show, as you may have learned. It is a celebration of ABBA’s legacy and impact on pop culture and society. Revisit some of the defining moments in their career, such as their Eurovision win in 1974, their breakup in 1982, and their induction into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2010.

The new album

ABBA’s first studio album in 40 years, Voyage, was not planned. The band members initially regrouped only to rehearse for a virtual concert. But the chemistry between them gave rise to not only a new album but also a ground-breaking show as well. Watch the ABBAtars perform bops from their latest and potentially their last album.

Discover ABBA

Whether ABBA soundtracked your romance in the 70s or you found them through your parents’ playlists, the show has something for each kind of fan. And if you're new to ABBA, their timeless lyrics and melodies will make you a fan. The concert captures the essence of why ABBA is a such a revered musical and cultural giant.

The fantastic ABBA Arena

Immerse yourself in the sound and spectacle! ABBA Voyage takes place in the ABBA Arena, a custom-built stadium with a capacity of 3,000 people. You can shake a leg in the dedicated dancing booths or choose to sit and sing along to their greatest hits, such as Dancing Queen, Mamma Mia, and Waterloo. Check out the ABBA Arena seating plan for a detailed breakdown.

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ABBA Voyage

ABBA Voyage
