Shelf: The Kids' Show is an unmissable children's show at this year's London Fringe. Created by comedy duo Rachel WD and Ruby Clyde, the show takes the audience on an hour-long journey filled with laughter, fun, and a touch of learning. Rachel and Ruby engage the audience with hilarious routines, pranks, and skits. The show encourages audience participation and manages to keep the energy high throughout. The charm of Shelf: The Kids' Show lies in its simplicity, no fancy props or large set pieces, just unadulterated fun. Snag your Shelf: The Kids' Show London tickets for an experience your kids won't forget.
Shelf: The Kids' Show features the comedic duo, Rachel and Ruby, who use physical comedy and character sketches to explore themes of friendship, emotions, and shyness. The show is full of mischief, pranks, and audience participation. Will Rachel and Ruby manage to keep control of the silliness, or will a persistent kid from the audience take the reins? Join in the fun and find out!
Nestled in Cavendish Square, London, the Underbelly Festival's Spiegeltent promises an unforgettable summer of diverse live entertainment. From captivating circus acts to hilarious comedy and dazzling cabaret, the iconic venue offers something for everyone. Families can enjoy shows like Tweedy’s Massive Circus, while adults can experience award-winning performances by YUCK Circus. With street food vendors, open-air bars, and plenty of seating, it's the perfect setting to soak up the vibrant London summer atmosphere.
Seating Capacity: 276
Address: Cavendish Square, London W1G 0PU, United Kingdom
Tube: The nearest London Underground station to the site is Oxford Circus (300m / 5 min walk)
Bus: There are 17 bus stops within a 5-minute walk. These service routes 7, 12, 22, 55, 73, 88, 94, 98,
113, 139, 159, 390, 453, N3, N7, N8
Available Facilities: Stalls, toilets
Accessibility: Accessible toilets, assistance dogs allowed, wheelchair accessible, large print versions of bar & food menus
The cost of the tickets starts from £16.50 and will vary depending on the type of seats you choose.
The show does not have a strict age limit. However, it is most suitable for children aged 3 and above.
The show is playing at Underbelly Festival – Cavendish Square in London.
The show is a fun-filled hour of sketches, songs, pranks, and silliness as presented by best friends Rachel and Ruby. It's a hilarious exploration of emotions, friendship, and shyness that's fun for all the family.
The running time is 1 hour.
The main stars of the show are Rachel WD and Ruby Clyde.