London Theatre TicketsTheatrical concerts in London

Theatrical concerts in London

Theatrical concerts in London Illustration

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Critics' choice
Top shows: Theatrical Concerts
ABBA Voyage product image

ABBA Voyage

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MJ The Musical

The Choir of Man product image

The Choir of Man

Bat Out Of Hell product image

Bat Out Of Hell

Opening on May 21, 2025
The Elvis Years product image

The Elvis Years


Critics' choice

If you're looking to watch a show that is extra-musical, we have just the thing for you. You cannot go wrong with a show from our curated collection of London concerts. As a part of London concerts in West End, you will find amazing live concerts, shows based on true stories of legendary musicians so that you can relive their blockbuster tracks and music on live stage. So, what are you waiting for? Book London concerts tickets now!

Frequently Asked Questions About West End Concerts in London

What are theatrical concerts in London?

Theatrical concerts are concert performances that take place in a theatre. Theatrical concerts may also include a storyline as opposed to a regular rock or pop concert which is purely focused on the artist's performance.

Where can I buy tickets for West End concerts in London?

You can buy tickets for theatrical London concerts online.

What theatrical London concerts are playing currently?

You will find numerous theatrical concerts in London's West End. Find them all right here.