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0Kyoto at @sohoplace is a surprisingly thrilling ride about a rather unlikely topic for theater. Based on the real-life Kyoto Agreement of 1997 that saw international diplomats, scientists, politicians, and activists from 150 countries band together to act on climate change, this is a play that simmers with tension and quiet emotion, weaving through the political complexities that define how we address global issues. If you're looking for a thought-provoking piece of theatre that stays with you, this might be just the ticket.
"Kyoto, by Joe Murphy and Joe Robertson, is so indecently entertaining it almost feels like the result of a bet to choose the dullest, worthiest subject imaginable and make it as fun as humanly possible."
"A play about protocols, punctuation, politics and procedure doesn’t sound like the stuff of dream drama. Yet Kyoto, about the behind-the-scenes battles to create the first global agreement on combating dangerous climate change, is a work of Shakespearean sweep and ambition, an invigorating and challenging piece of political theatre."
"As urgent and vital as it is, an investigation into international angles on climate change doesn’t sound remotely theatrical, let alone a race-to-the finish thriller. But that is precisely what directors Stephen Daldry and Justin Martin achieve..."