Paul Hendy's The Last Laugh originally premiered as a 2017 short film that delved into the art of comedy, a precursor to the stage play's tagline, "Dying is easy, comedy is hard!" The brilliant short now sees new life as a stage play, building on the movie and honing in on the joy three comedic giants brought to the world and the hard work that went into honing their craft.
Three comedians, Tommy Cooper, Eric Morecambe, and Bob Monkhouse sit in a dressing room before the biggest show of their lives. The trio, battling their nerves, chat about comedy: what it means, the secret to a good joke, and all that goes into crafting the perfect gag.
The Noël Coward Theatre is a 960-seater theater in London. Named for one of Britain's most prolific playwrights, the venue was paired with Wyndham's Theatre and opened in 1903. It has hosted some of theater's greats, including Katherine Hepburn and Judi Dench, and has staged productions of The Scarlet Pimpernel, All About Eve, and more.
Noël Coward Theatre seating plan will help you find the best seats in the theatre.
Address: 85-88 St Martin's Ln, London WC2N 4AU, United Kingdom
Tube: The nearest station is Charing Cross.
Rail: The nearest station is Leicester Square.
Bus: The nearest stop is St. Martin’s Place (Stop K) on routes 24, 29, or 176.
Available Facilities: Cloakroom, bars, gift shop, restrooms
Accessibility: Accessible seating options and washrooms, ramps, handrails, wheelchair storage, audiovisual tools and assistance, guide dogs allowed
Tickets start from £17.75 and the cost will vary depending on your chosen seats.
The show is suitable for ages 14 and above. This production contains some bad language so viewer discretion is advised.
The show is playing at the Noël Coward Theatre.
The show reimagines the lives and careers of three of Britain's greatest comedic talents - Tommy Cooper, Eric Morecambe, and Bob Monkhouse.
The running time is 1 hour and 20 minutes.